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note what’s your job
你是做什么工作的呢  detail>>
job note
工作单  detail>>
what kind of job
哪种工作  detail>>
congratulations on your new job
恭喜你有了新的工作  detail>>
describe your dream job
请描述你理想中的工作  detail>>
describing your first job
描述你的第一份工作  detail>>
stating your job objective
说明应聘职位  detail>>
your ideal job
谈论自己以后想做什么工作  detail>>
your job function
职称性质  detail>>
and now, what is your name
先生贵姓  detail>>
perspectives are what your life will be
生活观点决定一切  detail>>
what are the merits of your product
这产品有什么优点  detail>>
what are your greatest strengths
最大优点  detail>>
what are your greatest weaknesses
最大缺点  detail>>
what are your hobbies
你有什么爱好  detail>>
what are your interests
你的爱好是什么 你对网上什么内容感兴趣  detail>>
what are your plans for the weekend
你周末计划做什么  detail>>
what are your politics
你的政见如何  detail>>